Saturday, 31 May 2014

Introduction And Invitation to " The Rivermen Researcher" 2017

Welcome to the Rivermen Researcher 2017
Larry Devine  "The Rivermen Researcher"

Currently my wife is back at home convalescing, and I am back updating "The Rivermen Researcher". I will have be editing and trying to improve the structure of the site. 

I have completed " A Glimpse of Sacred Harp along the Grand River". In this article there will be ongoing edits.
My first and most recent inclusion is Casey Rules permission to include "Idumea - I Was Born to Die by Charles Wesley. I am looking forward to more conversation with him.
And most recently, I have spotted this article submitted to the Presbyterian Record. Thanks! for the submission. However, please let me know when you would like to publish.

Periodically, I will  be adding more pre-published articles from the "Rivermen Series" this year!

All content has been heavily researched, edited, and compiled. Images used in all "Rivermen Researcher" are created by myself or borrowed until suitable samples replace them, or can be recreated, by the myself in association with others who wish to contribute.

This author  wishes to collaborate, with others  and asks for assistance were possible.

My musical abilities are limited, but I will acquire assistance in orchestrating background music to give my creations a classic touch.   In time I will compose my own scores and use them it to accurately tell the story in new and unique manner.=

Language used within each article is used to reflect the language used during another era. In no way, is it intended to maligns to injure sensibilities, nor be insensitive towards any individual or political association. 

The Rivermen Researcher is merely a vessel of it's creator used to share various educational perspectives and amassed personal experiences.

I have just updated "A Glimpse into Sacred Harp Music Along the Grand River"I now includes new  information and clips.

My publishing activity for the "Rivermen Researcher 2017" includes:

Articles :- Sacred Harp, 2016 and 2017, the Rivermen Series, Conspirator or Savior:-  A Different view of  Elder James Thompson

'A Glimpse into Sacred Harp Music Along the Grand River"  
Is Now Being Republished :- it includes Musical Interludes and Video clips! -
January 2017

For those who have enjoyed my work so far,  I invite your continued participation and support by providing me with  research leads or any personal comments you wish to share on this blog " The Rivermen Researcher".

"The Rivermen Researcher" is a feature of this blog.  It reflects my interests, my  personal experiences, and my  inter-relationships between people while vying the many rivers I have travelled and the friendships I have developed, during my research for " The Rivermen Series" and " Life along the Inland Waterways"

Broadhorns - King of the River : Cambridge Reporter Rivermen Series

An Ark (also known as a Broadhorns )  travels along Little Pine Creek enroute to Williamsport on the West Branch of the Susquehanna River

 New articles  are currently being developed, from both past and ongoing research. They include articles from  my earlier newspaper columns entitled the "Rivermen  Series" There are also new articles being developed. They are  dedicated to a man I have come to admire. James Thompson is this man! A man of humble beginnings.

"A man named James Thompson (Barber)"  is  written in honour of a citizen from the town of Galt, Ontario. He received his freedom  after the death of his father, a Virginia planter near Richmond Virginia.  His mother, a slave, birthed a mulatto son. This was a common practice amongst slave-holding planters. In time would earn a level of respect and trust seldom achieved between a negro and white settlers within Upper Canadian Society. 

This is an on-going story of his experiences, and his outlook on society in general. 
James was deeply spiritual, moral, and intellectual. In this group of articles we will look into issues surrounding his life as a leader, and the character who used his intellect to set into motion plans to release "Solomon Moseby" from extradition.

James Thompson would eventually organize a congregation of negro Primitive Baptists. The first meetings were held in private homes until the construction of a frame building within the "Village of Galt" near the Grand River.  A religious domination which has deep ties to the history of  Virginia near the James River, and "Sacred Harp" a musical tradition, associated with the Primitive (White and Black) Baptist Church families. 
Currently, these articles include "A Man Named James Thompson (Barber), A Glimpse of the Sacred Harp along the Grand River" and " The Conspirator or Savior:|- of Upper Canada" which currently  awaiting it's completion.

I  have been looking into the  navigation history along the James River of Virginia, for a number of years now. I'm interested in the development of trade and navigation and the way it has provided pioneers with political prowess to act on the opportunities found and those who position themselves amongst the  initiate of high society. The established families of Britain's financial,  mercantile, labour, were successful carving out settlements and plantations along the James and other tributaries. 

The family of James Thompson  established themselves in close proximity to Richmond in Henrico  County along with family relations located in nearby Louisa County; and in Surrey, North Carolina. This is where the Little River Primitive Baptist Church can be located today. 

Comments regarding the spiritual values, indicate the family maintained membership   in the " Primitive Baptist Church"  of which the Primitive (Black)  Congregation had its formation.

James was born in Virginia 1788 and died at Galt.  He arrived in Newark prior to 1837 and maintained a barbershop in the village of Galt about 1837 and settled there until his death. I am continuing to research other occurrences and experiences, in respect to other work related activities, while on his journey northward to Upper Canada. 

Prior to his father's death, it would have become possible for James to gain other types of work experience, which he could have used along the James River. I ask because I would like to think he brought other skills moving closer to the Grand River,  than barbering alone. Although it was common practice to lease a slave to another business,  I often wonder whether or not the children of planters, were used in the same manner. 

I am learning as much as possible about the James River during  the Post-Revolutionary Plantation Charter period 1760. I look forward to blogging with individuals who  share my interest and enjoy researching and/or writing history. This is my initial attempt in creating a forum to communicate, amongst those who practice the art of blogging. It is my hope to attract researchers in Virginia with similar interests. 

After you read this article, I hope you will assist me. I welcome any images, maps, articles, dealing with Virginia's  James River Region, or the Appalachian Region.  I am interested to obtain more music ,   Please! forward this request for any navigational related materials to other historians. Perhaps!  you could mention this request to friends, in related association or others with similar interest.  

Those who have information on the history  in church history are encouraged to work with me.  I would like to converse with them regarding  The Primitive Baptists of the South.

My last area of which I have been researching is the James River and it's navigation activities.  Black Jacks " were negro navigators ( one such steam boatman was William Wells Brown) who worked many rivers guiding freedom seekers along the Underground. He stowed the slaves out of slavery to freedom  hidden aboard Riverboats on the Ohio River and the Great Lakes. There were many fugitives hidden aboard steamers.

 While on  the run they needed employment to purchase their necessities  to survive. As slaves they were hired out to steamboat owners  (Slave-holders or otherwise). These laborers were known as "Black Jacks" and would have developed numerous skills.  I am searching for any mention of James Thompson working between Virginia!

I have to believe that his barbering trade would have become valuable, on both Great Lake vessels, and north and south bound steam packets. They were most likely set up as a contract type services.

Is it possible that James (affectionately called) Judge Thompson set up barbering shops on a number of steamers plying Lake Erie and  it's adjoining rivers ? I am attempting to pin-point sources where records are kept about such services aboard Canadian  and American steamers. 

Just a week ago, I received this  interesting piece of river history. I was reviewing some copies of my magazines published by the "Sons and Daughters of Pioneer Rivermen " called "The Reflector"  Within,  I found an article about Flatboats. I have been researching all forms of flatboats, their monikers inclusive names being  the "Ark" of the Susquehanna River, the "Broadhorn", The  "Kentucky-Boat", and The "New Orleans-Boat"  
This was a brief synopses about the voyage of the Adventure 3. This was a recreation of a successful voyage.  Thankyou! goes to the Son's and Daughters .

The Adventurer 3

It was on page 27. “the caption read” the flatboat was passing “Rabbit Hash”. Where ever this is? I would like to find it's location on a map. This vessel is similar to Absalom Shade's Arks, ( a moniker to describe this type of vessel, which is also named a Broadhorn)

Reading  further, I discovered,  that the projects founder, was a gentleman by the name of Vaughn Wendland. He had desired for years to commemorate a project that would dedicate the efforts of early pioneers to navigate the rivers. So he decided to build a flatboat and float through the river currents from Pittsburgh to New Orleans. Adding in some well publicised stops. The voyage succeeded.   The construction crew, pilots, and other project members were tutored by “Captain Jim Coomer”.

I have been writing for years about the Arks/Broadhorns of Absalom Shade. He employed the Susquehanna Ark for the shipping his yearly trade down a Upper Canadian River then known as the Ouse and renamed the Grand River. I had put a proposal together for a Millennium Project. But felt I was short of know how. I wanted to include that such projects were beneficial communities.  

I had not heard of this project at that time and I am inspired with new hope that it may be possible to resurrect this flatboat project, providing ,I can find the assistance from either Vaughn's records or from other similar projects launched since? Are any of these participants still alive and would be able to pass on their knowledge to me?

I would like to contact these gentlemen. Regarding their personal experience carrying this epic dream into reality.

Therefore, the next step is to continue the search for mentors which could help me gain more experience. 
I hope to employ my latent experiences in the effort to commemorate the Ark on the Grand River.  There are historical benefits so important important to impart and the  knowledge  is worth passing on to American  and Canadian children!

So help me keep this effort alive by what ever means possible.

Larry R. Devine

Other Articles and Presentations :

The following: Wiil appear from the Rivermen Series from fromer years:

  • William Dickson:- Aquires Sherbrook Township  RMS    Appeared in the Grand Dispatch  Summer 2014 Published by; Port Maitland on the Grand Historical Society.
  • Rivers Help Create Wild Stories: The Cambridge Reporter Galt, Cambridge RMS


This was the residence of Larry and his wife Enika.  It's the small white house the far side of the Grand River. It once had these mills in front of these two Wood Mills. 
Once Again! I look forward in communicating with other river who enjoy learning about river history along with other articles on this subject. Please add all comments or other types of media  in the Comments section of this blog or email me to " ". I will appreciate whatever contribution you have to offer!

The American Queen    My Cruise between Memphis Tennessee and Greenseville , Mississippi